Clear Nicotine Patches - Quit smoking patch


  • Quit smoking patch

The NicoDerm CQ patch releases a steady flow of nicotine into the body through the skin. A new patch is applied every 24 hours on dry, clean, hairless skin. Used over a 10 week period with 3 strengths, or steps, the patch gradually and smoothly reduces the level of nicotine in the body. If you smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day, start with Step 1. If you smoke 10 or fewer cigarettes per day, start with Step 2. NicoDerm CQ is an effective form of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), a proven ally for the person committed to quitting smoking.

To increase your success in quitting:

  1. You must be motivated to quit.
  2. Complete the full treatment program, applying a new patch every day.
  3. Use with a support program as described in the enclosed User's Guide.

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